Words of comfort
A) Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil". 1 Thes 5:21, 22. "But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only deceiving your own selves", James 1:22. Prayer: God manifest thy self to me - Amen.Poem from Sumathi Sathakam - vinadhagu nevvaru cheppina ....
"Its good to listen to what others have to say; Better still not to hasten their way; He who discerns truth from untruth in what he hears,He indeed is the wise on earth, O good man"The mission of Mithra is summed up as follows:
a)Teach the non-Christians the teachings of the Bible according to chronological order
b)Declare and explain to the sinful world, the love of God in his great plan of salvation and assist the readers to recognize the importance of the points in this plan
c)To enable the non-Christian world hear the Christian teaching of salvation
d)Create an urge in the readers to study Bible, the gift of God, and examine the philosophy there of
e)Present to the readers a spiritual code of life that will make them fit for a life here as well as for the life here after, and
f)Provide means to help the Christian workers in their evangelistic work.B) Invitation of the Savior:“Come unto me and learn of me” Mathew 11:28, 29. Words of Jesus Christ - Invitation to every one.
God is self existent - God’s existence (Genesis 1:1; Psalms 53:1)
1) We see heaven and earth. We cannot deny their existence. So there must be one who created them. We should not ask the question who created the creator. The Person, who without being created by anybody and without a beginning or end, and who guards and governs the whole creation, is called God. He who argues that the earth came into being of its own accord is no better than he who argues that buildings, airplanes, jewels, utensils and like came into being of their own accord without a maker.When we cannot understand the infinite wisdom of God with our finite mind, it is wisdom to be satisfied with things that we understand. We cannot explain fully why a small plant grows into a tree, nevertheless we can believe. Likewise where our wisdom and reasoning fail, there faith steps-in and brings to light that which seems impossible to the intellect to believe.
Therefore faith makes us wiser and through faith alone we gain final emancipation. God has planted in us all wisdom and ability to believe in his existence and faith to believe and enjoy Him. They that deny him are those who despise these gifts of God given to all. This is a dangerous state of the mind. To the spiritual eye all this will be clearly seen. You can gain this experience by prayer. Secular education can help you only to some extent, but cannot secure it for you. Even the aborigines (the uncivilized) who have not heard of God worship some great unknown, because God revealed himself to their conscience.
2)How often many of the theists are no better than the professed atheists. When trouble and trials confront us, instead of drawing up our courage that our God is with us and that He will find a way of relief, we succumb to them in despair as though He is not. Such also are atheists, though theists in name. Theists with their spirit of atheism as well as atheists with their sense of atheism should pray to God daily for a life of peace and joy. Understand the conversation that took place between an atheist and a Christian evangelist:Christian (C): You say that there is no God. Did you ask God any time - “O God, dost thou exist?Atheist (A): How to ask a being who is non existent?Christian (C): Kneel down and pray, if he exists, he will answer. Otherwise he will not.Note: To say that he does not exist, without calling on him is unreasonable and sinful. Therefore, you kneel down with me and I will teach you the way of approach. With such words, he got the atheist to kneel down.Christian (C): Now say - O God, manifest thy self to me. Be merciful to me, I am a sinnerAtheist (A): How can I say this when I do not believe it?Christian (C): This is nothing to do with your belief. Please simply repeat what I said.Christian (C): O God, manifest thy self to me. Be merciful to me, I am a sinner.Atheist (A): O God, manifest thy self to me. Be merciful to me, I am a sinner.Christian (C): Keep repeating this same prayer, till I call you for halt.Note: This atheist after repeating many times the same prayer, cried out with loud voice “O God, how great sinner I am. O God, now I know that thou exist”. You can note that, if one prays earnestly, truth is revealed to him.“Can you prove where God is?” an atheist asked a Christian evangelist. The evangelist put a counter question to the atheist if he could prove him where God is not.
O God, my father, who has created the universe and me, some argue that Thou exist and others that Thou do not and each argues that his religion is true. Therefore I pray you, you will reveal yourself to me that I may surely know that you do exist and that Christian religion is the religion you have established. Cause your wisdom to dawn upon me. When my wisdom fails me, strengthen my faith by appearing to me in a dream or a vision. When I am convinced, grant me grace to live in accordance with your will. Lord, sin is growing on the earth and consequently the wages of sin are increasing. Difficulties, famines, fear of animals, fear of enemies, sickness, worries, accidents and other evils trouble us. Save us from all these evils, or else grant us grace to bear them patiently, Amen.
Some try for a carpenter job, some for a labor work, some for a teacher post, some for appointments in the government and some try for offers in private and so on. Each individual has a desire to get a way of livelihood or other to earn for living. To get their desire fulfilled, they undergo any amount of difficulty. They approach the authorities many times with their application and pay their respects. But how often and how many times do they approach God who gives wisdom to men to invent various works of livelihood? How much do they strive in their youth to save something out of their earnings that they may use it during their old age in comfort? It is good to think of one’s life and labor for it to be a happy one. After we finish our journey in this life, we wish to go to heaven, don’t we? How much do we think of it? Do we labor so much for life here which is transitory, consider how much more should we care to struggle for the eternal life? If we do not labor now for the eternal life of joy which we get only in His presence in heaven, when are we going to do it? If we do not strive so now, we will have to go into the everlasting hell to suffer along with the devils. So let us beware! Even if we learn all the skills of livelihood here and yet not know the way to heaven, what will they avail? Here is a simple story that illustrates this truth.Once, a party of laborers got into a boat to cross a river. The party included a learned man, a padit. While they were traveling the winds blew heavily and the boat capsized. Except the padit, all the others knew swimming and so they swam across the river and reached the shore safely. But the pandit got drowned. So, what use was there of all his learning here when he did not know the skill of swimming?God is greater than the earth and the heaven; and is greater than men and angels. He is the first and greatest of all. It is therefore our grateful duty to worship him daily, particularly in the morning immediately after we get up from bed. There is a book which God had it written for mankind. It teaches about heaven and angels, about God and how to forsake sin and attain godly piety. This book is called Bible. So study it regularly to make you approved by God.
5)Know your God
a) There is only one God. If there be many gods, we would not know whom to worship. There will be trouble if differences arise among them.
b) In the beginning, Go alone existed. There was no earth, no angles, no man, no reckoning of time and nothing what so ever we could imagine or see. God has no beginning. It is wrong and harmful to the mind to question as to what time God exist.In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth - Gen 1:1.The eternal God - Deut 33:27.Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hast formed the earth and the world, even form everlasting to everlasting, thou art God - psalm 90:2.And the four beasts … were created - Rev 4:8-11.God is one - Exodus 20:3I am the Lord - Isaiah 42:8; 10:23; 44:6-24; 45:5-7.One God in three persons - Gen 1-1-3; Numbers 6:24-26; Isaiah 6:3; Mathew 3:16-17; 28:19.There is trinity in man also - body, soul and spirit - 1 Thessalonians 5:23
c)Attributes of God: Life, Free will, Love, Justice, Holiness, Power, Wisdom, All pervasive and with such other divine attributes God was revealing himself from the beginning. God is without beginning and end.God id Spirit: John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 3:17Strength - strong one: Gen 17:1; Exodus 6:3Love 1 John 4: 8-16Just: Deut 32:4Holy: Ps 99:9; Isaiah 5:16All pervasive (present every where): Psalms 139:7-10; Jeremiah 23:23Infinite: 1Timothy 1:17; 6:16; Job 35:1-7Invisible: John 1:18; 5:37; Colossians 1:15; Job 23:8, 9.
d) God’s plan of His works: In the beginning God planned to create angels, heaven, and earth and there after man and to work out the salvation of man. In accordance to that plan, God is doing from the beginning. Ephesians 1:3-12; Colossians 1:18-20.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
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